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I hope you enjoy hearing of my adventures and travels as I live and work in Abu Dhabi and venture to other parts of the world.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dieting, not in this country

Part of the many reasons that I decided to take the job in Abu Dhabi, was to get a fresh start. In my job at home, I was stuck in a rut. Unhappy, overworked, underpaid . . . the typical sob story. It got to the point that I thought I was in the wrong profession. Of course, the end result was emotional eating . . . among other things . . . and for someone who has struggled with her weight most of her life, this never ends well.

I was hoping that part of this fresh start would include getting myself back together emotionally and physically. I have succeeded on one of those fronts, but the extra weight remains. Part of this is because of the culture here(though I am not entirely without blame myself). Everything is about tea and food here. Well, not everything, but a lot of things. Even business cannot be conducted without some socializing first. As a teacher, this means I am constantly being fed. Today at school, I was fed twice! My fellow English teachers brought sandwiches which we had during the first break. Later, one of my student's sister brought in food, which I, of course, had to try at my student's insistent request. The thing that makes this worse, is it is really good food, and rarely healthy. Sure they have vegetables every once and while, but mostly carbs, fats, and all the other deliciously tasty items. It makes it hard to stick to a diet. You cannot refuse, it is rude or they don't take no for an answer. I have to admit, I have mastered the art of saying thank you and eating it later, or not eating it at all. It has helped save a few calories here and there, but overall to save the good relations I have built I have to grin and take a nice large bite.

In the end, I have stopped trying to fight it. I will continue to work toward my goal, but the weird thing is that I don't care anymore. Yes, I would still like to lose the weight, but it doesn't occupy my thoughts every time I make a meal for myself. What is meant to happen will, the weight will come off eventually, I just have to work hard and give it time. Something I was unable to be patient enough to do in the past.

I highly recommend moving half way across the world if you are looking to restart your life. 

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